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Recently we deployed the Sitecore environment to K8s Clusters After everything was set up, we wanted to have an eye on Application logs and all configurations, Azure Portal is there but not that intuitive so looking for a UI and we found Lens.
This blog is about installing and setting up Lens IDE on your local machine.
Install Lens
You can download Lens for Linux, macOS, or Windows from either its GitHub page or its website. Linux installs are offered through AppImage, and this tutorial walks you through the installation process.
Add a Cluster
Managing Kubernetes means keeping an eye on one or more clusters. To add a cluster to Lens, click the large + sign, choose your cluster from the drop-down list, and click Add Cluster. Environments are automatically picked up from your ~/.kube/config file.
To have the latest information in ~/.kube/config you need to use Azure CLI.
First, you need to log in from your PowerShell with the command az login
Following this, a browser tab will open asking for credentials for your azure
Once you're done with your credentials, you will see all your azure subscriptions in Powershell
After this, we need to run the below command in Powershell
az aks get-credentials --resource-group resourcegroupname
Please refer here:-
Once you are done with the above command, you will have a updated ~/.kube/config which will sync the above resource group and cluster on your local.
Explore Lens' menus
Lens gives you all the information you need about a cluster it manages. To help you get started, I'll explore the Lens menu sections with screenshots to show you what information and options they offer.
If you need a refresher on Kubernetes terminology, %[A beginner's guide to Kubernetes container orchestration is a good place to read about it(
Nodes menu
First, look at the Nodes. Each node contains the services necessary to run Pods, managed by the control plane. We can start by checking if our nodes are up and running in a Ready state. If there were an issue, this page would provide details as to what is wrong with the node.
Workloads menu
The Workloads section provides a lot of information about your cluster. You can access its subsections with either the menu on the left or at the top of the pane—both work the same way.
Overview Click Overview to see the events happening in the cluster, as well as how many Pods, Deployments, StatefulSets, DaemonSets, Jobs, and CronJobs are running in it. You can select each Overview item to see details about it.
Lens Workloads Overview menu
Thank you! More information will be available in upcoming blogs.